Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme

Launched in 2016, Saint Lucia has the newest citizenship by investment programme in the Caribbean. Inheriting decades of experience from its island neighbours, Saint Lucia’s programme is an amalgamation of practices from its surrounding islands and provides a wide range of benefits for investors and locals alike. An idyllic spot for nature seekers, history buffs, and relaxation-seekers, Saint Lucia offers citizens all of the tropical benefits of the Caribbean. Read on to discover how you can apply for Saint Lucian citizenship, and benefit from CS Global Partners’ CBI initiative.










The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme provides an opportunity to apply for Saint Lucia citizenship and a huge range of benefits including:
check_circle Right to hold dual citizenship
check_circle Citizenship for life, with the right to live and work in the country
check_circle Four investment options

The National Economic Fund (NEF) was established to receive qualifying investments to fund Government-sponsored projects on the island.

Applicants can obtain citizenship by making a monetary contribution to the NEF via one of the prescribed contribution levels.

Due diligence and processing fees apply.
Applicants may obtain citizenship by investing in an approved real estate project valued at a minimum of USD 200,000.

This property must be owned and maintained for a minimum of 5 years after citizenship has been granted.

Due diligence fees apply.

The following Government administration fees are applicable:
Main applicant
US$ 30,000
Main applicant and spouse
US$ 45,000
Each additional qualifying dependant under 18
US$ 5,000
Each additional qualifying dependant 18 years of age or over
US$ 10,000
Each additional qualifying dependant where the main applicant is applying with a spouse and more than four qualifying dependants
US$ 10,000
Applicants can obtain citizenship by making an investment, either independent or joint, in a pre-approved enterprise project.

Independent investment must be valued at US$ 3.5 million and create at least 3 permanent jobs.

For joint investments, each investor must contribute at least US$ 1 million, resulting in a joint investment worth US$ 6 million and creating at least 6 permanent jobs.

Due diligence, processing, and Government administration fees apply.
Minimum independent investment
USD 3,500,000 (creation of 3 local jobs)
Minimum joint investment
USD 1,000,000 (creation of 6 permanent jobs)
Due diligence fee
USD 7,500
The National Action Bond (NAB) is a new non-interest-bearing Government bond available from 1 January 2023 onwards.

Main Applicant and any number of qualifying dependants
USD 300,000 (to be held for 5 years)
Administrative fee
USD 50,000

Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment application process consists of seven steps, which are:

  • Step 1: Application and pre-approval by CS Global Partners
  • Step 2: Submission of citizenship application
  • Step 3: Government processing and due diligence checks
  • Step 4: Approval in principle
  • Step 5: Investment in the National Economic Fund, approved real estate project, approved enterprise project, or government bonds
  • Step 6: Certificate of Registration issued
  • Step 7: Passport application

What are the investment options under the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme?

  • National Economic Fund Option
  • Real Estate Option
  • Enterprise Project Option
  • Government Bonds Option

Who is eligible to apply?

Applicants for citizenship should be at least 18 years of age, in good health and of good character, without a criminal record, and able and willing to make the required contribution.

Which family members can I include in my application for economic citizenship?

You can include:


  • Spouse
  • Children of the main applicant or of the spouse, if:
    • – Aged 21 or below
      – Aged no more than 30 and fully supported by the main applicant
      – A child of any age who is physically or mentally challenged, and fully supported by the main applicant
  • Parents of the main applicant or of the spouse if above the age of 55 and fully supported by the main applicant
  • Parents of the main applicant of any age if physically or mentally challenged and fully supported by the main applicant
  • Siblings of the main applicant aged under 18, unmarried, and in receipt of consent from his or her parent or guardian to make an application

What does the due diligence process in Saint Lucia entail?

You will be vetted by multiple entities:

  • KYC (know-your-customer) checks performed by local authorised agents.
  • Internal checks including AML (anti-money laundering) and CTF (counter-terrorism financing) vetting by the Citizenship by Investment Unit.
  • Mandated international due diligence firms perform online and on-the-ground checks.
  • Regional and international crime prevention bodies check that you aren’t on any wanted or sanctions lists.

Are citizens of certain countries not allowed to apply?

The following nationals cannot apply for citizenship by investment in Saint Lucia, as due diligence checks cannot be effectively performed in these countries:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Iran

The Unit has also warned of difficulties with processing applications from Syria. All other nationalities are eligible to apply.

Is this programme for me?

The following may be a good fit for the programme:

  • Individuals/businesspeople looking to establish overseas businesses
  • Families seeking better global mobility
  • Professionals who want to broaden their horizons
  • Families who would like their children to go to prestigious universities

Where do the funds go?

The National Economic Fund (NEF) was established to receive qualifying investments to fund Government-sponsored projects on the island.

Book a free first consultation with one of our citizenship experts and discuss your individual requirements. Book A Consultation *Citizenship by investment programme requires a financial investment into the country.

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