What are the benefits of an Antigua and Barbuda passport?
Antigua and Barbuda passports are CARICOM passports that are issued to citizens of Antigua and Barbuda for international travel. They are biometric documents, ensuring a greater level of safety and facilitating cross-border procedures. Antigua and Barbuda passport holders enjoy global mobility and access to almost 150 countries and territories worldwide.
How long are Antigua and Barbuda passports valid for?
First-time passports of Antigua and Barbuda issued to economic citizens are only valid for five years. This is to ensure that proper checks are performed on whether the economic citizen has fulfilled the five-day residence requirement and travel requirement to complete the Oath of Allegiance in Antigua and Barbuda.
The validity of second-time passports depends on whether the passport is issued to someone aged 16 or over. If the person is 16 or over, then Antigua and Barbuda passports are valid for 10 years. If the person is a child aged less than 16, then the passport is only valid for five years.
What is the Antigua and Barbuda passport application process?
The passport application process is separate from the citizenship by investment process, and requires the applicant to present a number of documents. These documents vary according to whether the application is a first-time application, a first-time renewal, or a later renewal.
In all cases, a certified copy of the applicant’s Certificate of Registration – the document that is issued to an economic citizen at the end of the citizenship by investment process – must be provided.
Every time Antigua and Barbuda passport holders re-apply for a passport (for example, because their old passport has expired), they must present their old Antigua and Barbuda passport. This will be cancelled upon issuance of the new passport.
To renew a first-time passport that has expired, an economic citizen must first send a request to the Citizenship by Investment Unit through his or her Licensed Agent.
All other renewals after that can be made directly at the Passport Office (a department within the Prime Minister’s Ministry) located on Queen Elizabeth Highway in St John’s (Antigua and Barbuda’s capital city). Alternatively, applications can be made at an Antigua and Barbuda High Commission, Embassy, or Consulate.