Best hotels in the Caribbean

Beautiful turquoise waters lined with tropical palms on powdery beaches, the Caribbean sets the perfect backdrop for adventure paired with relaxation. You can hardly go wrong with a vacation in the Caribbean, but if you don’t know where to start then this list of the best hotels in the Caribbean is a good place to […]
Malta Citizenship By Investment Programme

The backdrop of political chaos, instabilities of governance, and unfavourable business climate has led to the rising popularity of alternative Citizenship among the High Net Worth Individuals, who possess adequate resources and willingness to relocate to the countries that cater to their requirements. There are various countries across the world which offer Citizenship By Investment […]
Hong Kong Residents Offered UK Visa Scheme as China Rejects Dual Citizenship

Residents of Hong Kong who are British National (Overseas) passport holders can now apply for a new visa offering them an opportunity to become British citizens. This is a significant change for BNO passport holders, who, historically, could receive consular protection from UK diplomatic posts, but could only remain in the United Kingdom for up […]
CS Global Partners: итоги и достижения прошлого года

Высокое качество услуг в условиях «Новой нормы» В прошлом году многое изменилось, и нам пришлось приспособиться к так называемой «Новой Норме». Что осталось неизменным, так это качество услуг, которые мы предоставляем нашим клиентам и партнерам. Независимо от того, предпочитаете ли вы телефонию или электронную почту, видео или подкаст, статьи или социальные сети: мы расширили свое […]
Лучшие программы получения гражданства за инвестиции для семей

Карибские семьи Содружество Доминики Программа получения гражданства за инвестиции в Доминике была существенно изменена в этом году и теперь позволяет инвесторам включать супругов, детей в возрасте до 30 лет, родителей, бабушек и дедушек и даже братьев и сестер – шаг, который делает ее самой щедрой программой получения гражданства за инвестиции в мире для многодетных семей. […]
CBI Funds Sports Development in St Kitts and Nevis

Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, as a guest on last week’s webinar from Khaleej Times, in collaboration with CS Global Partners, spoke about the international athletic track on the island of Nevis that’s funded by CBI and highlighted the importance of sports in the region. READ DOWNLOAD
2019 CBI Index: Top Ranking Secured by Dominica for the Third Year

The Commonwealth of Dominica operates one of the oldest citizenship by investment programmes in the world, first introduced in 1993 and revamped two decades later. With both experience and longevity on its side, Dominica refined its processes over time and developed its Citizenship by Investment Programme to the prestigious status it confidently holds today. These […]
2019 CBI Index Reveals Caribbean Victory

Dominica Citizenship by Investment The 2019 CBI Index revealed the Caribbean region to be a strong contender within the citizenship by investment industry with Dominica taking the number one spot for its affordability, efficiency and reliability. The Commonwealth country offers one of the most affordable programmes on the market for a single applicant. A necessary […]
CBI Accounts for 20% of St Kitts and Nevis’ Economy

The Foreign Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Mark Brantley, explained to CS Global Partners how important the CBI Programme is to the country, while the CEO of FACT, a due diligence firm based in the UK, Kieron Sharp, made absolutely clear what an important role professional and thorough due diligence has to play in CBI programmes. <iframe […]
Growth in ECCU Economies Demonstrates Resilience
Despite experiencing a challenging end to 2017, the member states of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) are expected to welcome at least 2.2 percent growth in 2018. The projections were announced after the 90th meeting of the Monetary Council of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), which was held on the island of St […]